Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Mild Panic Sets In After A Procrastinating Summer

OK. I am getting worried now. Since I have started this blog, I seem to have done less and less actual work on the blimming thesis. A great deal of that is because I have spent much of the summer doing up my flat and working on a few songs (more of this another time) amongst other things. Now I have two weeks to get something presentable together to put before my supervisor. I have always needed the pressure of a deadline, but this is ridiculous!

This morning, then, I have set aside to plan how I can get where I need to be in such a short time. Thankfully, I have lots of notes which I wrote last year and then discarded from earlier chapters which will actually be useful for this one, plus the reading I have done in the last couple of months. What I lack at the moment is the creative hook on which to hang all of this and which supports the direction I had started to see for this work. Here goes...

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