Monday, August 14, 2006

The next stage of research

Now that I have the broad outlines of my theory, I think I need to begin a review of the major literature on political parties, which will form the basis of a third chapter. This chapter will examine the development in thought on political parties over the years since Ostrogorski and Michels and suggest that a new development is needed which keeps the best of the 'Weberian' approach and develops his ideas in a later modern context using Foucault. I have gone over Michels' work two or three times by now and have more notes to work from. Definitely included on the list should be:

Ostrogorski (ugh dreading this one: huge book, small print, written by a Russian)
von Beym


In addition, I will also consult some specific academic Labour Party histories for examples. Especially Shaw, Russell, Hayter.

Other sources will no doubt arise as I go along. The good news is that I have done quite a bit of work on the general party references already - about a year ago.

Serious work begins tomorrow afternoon, with an update possibly appearing here tomorrow or certainly within the next two or three days.

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